Feb 18, 2013

Will paint for shelter

The East Bedroom, 7x9" watercolor
In Minneapolis I lived a $17 cab fare from the airport. Now I live about seventy miles from the airport, not easy when one is traveling solo. For several years I parked my car in a Park & Ride, then caught a shuttle to the gates. I found that it was easier to first drive to the curb, check my bags, then go to the Park & Ride, thus eliminating a struggle with heavy bags on the shuttle. Thank God for friends Debbie and Kent who allow me to leave my car at their place in Raleigh and who provide me with a ride to and from the airport. Normally my flights out of Raleigh number no more than one a year. This year, I’ve already flown to California twice.

When Debbie and Kent leave me alone in their house I like to take advantage of that time by painting their rooms. I should say, doing watercolors of their rooms. The East Bedroom will become the third painting I’ve gifted to them for their gracious hospitality and airport limo service. Maybe I should put a bumper sticker on my car that reads “Have brush, will travel.”

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